Mineral Exploration

Unlocking the potential of mineral resources through various exploration techniques and solutions.


Methodical analysis using systematic study patterns for precise, science-driven exploration and understanding


Brining in a collaborative application of industry best practices & norms aided by cutting edge digital tools & solutions, in accordance to international standards.


Thorough research of historical data and effective utilisation of captured & available geological data & information for a scientific and logical interpretation


Data Base Design, Data Capture, Storage and harmonious synchronization with downstream activities
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Reconnaissance and detailed Geological Mapping, surface and soil sampling, stream sediment sampling, pitting, trenching and sub-surface sampling .

Topographic Survey

Aerial and Ground Survey using DGPS, Total Station and Drone

Exploration Management

Planning & Management of Exploratory Drilling (core and non-core both); Drill Core Logging (Lithological & Structural both), sampling, data base management

Remote Sensing & GIS

Remote Sensing, GIS and Band Analysis for identification of potential mineralized zone. Digitization and Georeferencing of maps using state of the art GIS solutions, such as ArcGIS, QGIS .

Geotechnical Studies

Being carried out at the exploratory level and also for operational mine pit geotechnical study (Pics from ISPL). RQD; , and measurements for oriented cores and structural plots of these measured geotechnical data; RMR measurements to understand the engineering properties and subsurface conditions of a deposit

Geophysical Surveys

Ground Magnetic, Gravity and Drone Magnetics studies are being carried out for coal and metal deposits.

Database Management

Data capture, Database Designing and database Management and collaboration & sharing for exploration database (drill hole data), sampling data, chemical analysis report, core images

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