Application of Earth Science with a scientific and practical approach to determine the nature and characteristics of specific mineral deposits
Comprehensive Geological Solution
We provide a full spectrum of geological services, from initial assessments to detailed resource evaluations
Desktop & Field Study
Desktop-based study, field visit, geological mapping, sampling, for detailed evaluation of mineral blocks having multiple mineral concentrations
Subject Matter Expertise (SME)
Combining rich domain understanding & subject matter expertise with cutting-edge modern tools to have meaningful geological interpretations
Preparation of a comprehensive geological assessment report basis the requirement of the project within the given timeline
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Geological Studies
Geological study is being carried out in combination of desktop study and field visits.We have a core team of experienced and young Geologists, along with global subject matter experts at all levels enabling highest quality of services.
Due Diligence Study
Being carried out for both bid advisory and detailed asset evaluation, covering a quick assessment of important and critical geo-mining and commercial parameters of the project from an investment perspective.
Geological Report Preparation
Detailed Geological Reports as well as project summary reports and presentations are prepared, covering desktop study, geological mapping, sampling, QA/QC of assay values, surface and subsurface exploration activities etc.Design and construction of high-quality geological reports by our team of experts.
Geological Modelling & Resource Estimation
Innourbia has a highly qualified and experienced team of Geologists’, carrying out resource modelling and estimation using geological modelling softwares, such as K-MINE, Leapfrog Geo & Edge and Mineral exploration solutions such as Target. Independent Competent persons report as per JORC, NI 43-101, CRISCO and UNFC standards.
Petrographic Study
Thin Section preparation from rock chip samples; study and detailed mineralogical or physico-chemical report of a particular rock sample or ore sample, covering mineral assemblages, their modal counts, ore genesis and mineral geochemistry study
Project Generation
Our work focuses on full comprehension and summarisation of geological history and metallogeny of the area of interest. Through subsequent data capture we build databases of available drilling, geochemical, geophysical and geological information. Based on developing strong geological and greenfield exploration concepts from desktop to drilling, we conceptualize new exploration projects.