Techno-Economic Assessment & Bid Advisory Services for Ghatkuri Iron Block I, Jharkhand

The project integrates a comprehensive geological assessment to make out mineral distribution and quality. It evaluates reserves and structural integrity of the Ghatkuri Iron Block I. 3D geological modelling and analysis of geological formations, ensure accurate resource and reserve estimation. This assessment is key for guiding economic feasibility and bid advisory.

Resource Model & Reserve Assessment for Ghatkuri

Resource modelling and reserve assessments were conducted to determine the accurate iron ore reserves. The goal is to optimize resource utilization and ensure sustainable extraction practices.

Techno-Economic Assessment: Ghatkuri Tender Payments

The project will focus on evaluating the techno-economic viability of the mine. This project engages comprehensive evaluation of the mining prospect along with various mining and surface constraints. Key milestones include the submission of technical assessments, financial evaluation, and the final advisory report. Tender payments are structured based on defined project stages, ensuring transparent financial transactions. Successful completion of major milestones ensures timely progression and adherence to project timelines.

Evaluating Financial Feasibility of Ghatkuri Project

The project also includes a detailed financial evaluation. It ensures optimal capital expenditure and operational cost efficiency for the mining project. The proposed parametric equipment for mining and associated facilities will enhance productivity and sustainability. This comprehensive approach will drive profitability and operational excellence for the project.