Detailed Techno-Economic Study of Bauxite Deposits of Keshkal District, Chhattisgarh

The project involves utilizing remote sensing data for topography modelling and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation of almost 40 area to identify the signatures of possible Bauxite occurrences within the entire block area of Keshkal District. The remote sensing procedures will cater to high-resolution imagery and spatial data, which will be used to create accurate topographic models and DEMs of the entire block area, with a focus and emphasis on mineral potential target zones for the next level of exploration. These models are crucial for identifying the landscape’s potential for bauxite mineralization and mining, evaluating the accessibility of bauxite deposits & finding the economic feasibility of extraction. By integrating topographic analysis with geological data, the study aims to optimize resource planning and decision-making for bauxite exploration and mining operations, along with the economic viability or feasibility of the project.

Validation of Bauxite occurrences in Keshkal area

The project embarks on a detailed exploration of bauxite deposits in the Keshkal district, Chhattisgarh, integrating field validation and geological mapping to uncover their true economic potential. Each step is backed by meticulous ground truthing to ensure accurate and actionable data.

Keshkal Bauxite: Value Unveiled

Analyzing bauxite resources in Keshkal, Chhattisgarh, for accurate resource estimation using advanced geological techniques. Detailed cost-benefit analysis highlights potential returns and investment opportunities for stakeholders.

Sustainable Mining

Detailed assessment of Bauxite pockets within the entire block area with a focus on lateral and vertical extent and quality. A tentative resource assessment within the proximity of the total area of 40, with an assessment of its mineability and economic viability. It emphasizes environmentally responsible mining practices while achieving economic feasibility for the project.